I’m one of four siblings, but as my two older sisters went away to boarding school I saw very little of them apart from holidays. As I was a bit of a tom-boy my brother had little difficulty in getting me to join in with his various escapades.
Some of these ended up with me being:
•Stranded up a pear tree when he removed the ladder
•Clinging to the gutter of the house as he hauled my up onto the roof of the house.
•Squirting passers by with water from the roof of the house.
•Trying to sit still as my brother attempted to remove a drawing pin from my knee cap with pliers.
•Trying to get an armchair up a tree to make a den
•Breaking into an abandoned allotment only to decide it was owned by a knife wielding maniac.
•Turning the corner on my bicycle to discover my brother hasn’t tightened up the handlebars enough when he replaced them for me.
•Speeding through the park on our bicycles as the German gardener chased us with his rake.